Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Year End Review Day!

Today was our last official day of Preschool and we had a great time reviewing a lot of the things that we have learned this year!  
Here's 2 pictures of the preschoolers practicing their names as well as writing the Entire Alphabet!  
Good Job Kids!  I hope that they will continue practicing these skills during the Summer:).

For Show-&-Tell these 3 brought something that reminded them of Summer.  
Taylee showed us an ice-cream cone, Liam likes to look out of his binoculars and Elle likes to play with her toys in the summertime!

Here we are enjoying an otter-pop outside on this hot, hot day! 

Here are some pics from our review centers today.

(Elle was at the magnet board, but I accidently deleted her photo ... sorry)

We also talked about the Rainforest and read this fun book!

We also practiced for our little Graduation Day Ceremony Tomorrow!  
I'm looking forward to seeing you all at the Orleans Bowling Center at 10am ... it should be a fun morning!  The address is 4500 West Tropicana Avenue.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Z is for Zipper

Wahooo!  We finished the Alphabet this week!  We learned all about the letter Z. 
Brennan and Abby practiced writing the letter Z and the preschoolers also were able to make the letter Z with their bodies! 

Our Show-&-Tell this week was to bring an item that reminded the preschoolers of Summer.  
Brennan sported his summertime shades, Charlotte brought some swimming goggles, Abby drew a picture of the sun and Anniston showed us her sunblock:). 

 Our Theme this week was Safari Animals!  Here's some pics of the preschoolers looking through different books and trying to identify which animals would live on a Safari.

These three girls found pictures of a Lion, Zebra and Giraffe!

 We played a matching game with pictures of Safari Animals.

Each preschooler made their own book to take home called, "My Safari Book."
First, they had to color the animals...

 Next, they cut the animals out...

 and last --- they glue/taped them in their books.  Hopefully you'll have a chance to read and reread this fun little book with your child!

Don't forget that next week we'll have class on Tuesday (Rain forest Review) AND on Wednesday for our Preschool Graduation Bowling Party.  Please let me know ASAP if you plan on attending our party and how many in your group.  Thanks:). 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Y is for Yawning

We're already on the letter "Y"  --- where has the time gone?!?  
We came up with a list of words that begin with the {yyy} sound and the preschoolers wanted to act out Yawning!  Here's a fun pic of them!

For Show-&-Tell Taylee brought a Yo-Yo, Anniston and Liam showed us the color Yellow and Elle shared with everyone one of her favorite healthy snacks: Yogurt!

 We read a short paragraph and did a letter scavenger hunt to find all of the Y's in the story.

 Although Brennan's Birthday is in September, we celebrated it today!  We learned that his favorite animal is a horse, his favorite food is Vanilla Ice Cream and his favorite color is Green! Thanks for sharing some yummy snacks with us today:)

This month we are learning about Wild Animals and our Theme for today was Dinosaurs.  We started off by making dinosaur tracks in our play dough.  You can see that we had lots of different dinosaurs with different types of feet!

We went outside for a little story time and learned lots of neat facts about dinosaurs.

The preschoolers pretended to be paleontologist and started digging for dinosaur fossils.  They found 2, but unfortunately after much searching there are still 2 more buried in the sand pit that they couldn't find:).

We learned about dinosaur habitats and their homes ... and what some of the things were that helped them to survive.  The preschoolers were able to pick their craft today ... they could either make a dinosaur with spikes or they could create a dino habitat.  Here's a picture of the students hard at work and one of their final product.

Thanks for a fun day today!  See you all next week as finish up the alphabet with the letter Z!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

X is for X-Ray

For Show-&-Tell today the preschoolers were able to bring an item of their choice ... here is what they chose!  Charlotte: Giraffe, Connor: Mickey Mouse, Brennan: Fire Hat, Abby: Hello Kitty.

 We learned about the letter X ... Elle brought some X-Rays to show us and we practiced writing X's with diagonal lines.

 I didn't take many more pictures because the preschoolers were busy working on their mother's day present!  Here are two pics of them sorting and trying to put in a pattern the shapes and colors of the objects.  

Hopefully you can use your gift to continue working with and teaching your child about patterns, shapes and colors:).

Happy Mother's Day!