Thursday, November 21, 2013

C is for Cold

We learned all about the letter C in preschool today!  We decided that C is for C-c-c-cold (in a shivery voice), because it is pretty chilly outside today.
For Show-&-Tell Brennan brought a "Car," Connor brought a "Chrome" Motorcycle :)
Abby brought her pink Barbie "Car" and Charlotte a Hello Kitty "Cat."

We read a silly story about a Caterpillar that liked to eat Carrots, Cranberries and Cantelope. The preschoolers had to find and circle all of the "C's" in the story.
We practiced the Pledge of Allegiance today.  All of the children tried their best to be respectful by standing still, holding their hand over their heart and repeating the words after me.
Please feel free to practice reciting this at home!
We also had fun being goofy today!  In this picture the preschoolers are sticking their right foot in the middle of the circle and dancing to the "Hokey Pokey!" 
Here's a picture of Liam, Brennan and Connor sorting our green and yellow leaves into the correct trays.
Our Theme this week was "Farm Animals." 
Abby and Taylee are working on their fine motor skills as they string a shoe lace through the holes of different farm animals and a barn.

 Connor, Brennan and Liam had fun galloping on the stick pony!

 Taylee, Charlotte, Abby and Elle enjoyed coloring their farm animals to put into their special barns.

 Here's Taylee showing off her barn!

Hopefully your child will have fun with their barn and farm animals that they made in class today.  Another activity that we did in class and that you could do at home is sing "Old McDonald (or your childs name) had a Farm" using the animals.  They loved this!

Bonnie Springs Petting Zoo

We had such a fun time at the Petting Zoo!  The preschoolers loved looking at, feeding and petting all of the different animals.  I wanted to say a special "Thanks" to our Moms ... Amber and Mckell for driving and watching over the children.  We couldn't have done this without you!
We started off the day by meeting a Cowboy.  He was entertaining and even shot a hole through a cup with his gun.  Most of the kids liked this, but some were quite startled by the sound of a gun shot.  Sorry little ones:).
Below are some pictures of the kids.  I've tried to include at least one of everyone.  Have fun looking at them with your child.  (I told them I would be posting pictures and that they needed to tell their parents all about our fun day!).

Besides all of the fun animals pictured above, there were also a lot of ducks!

In this picture all of the preschoolers are looking at the beautiful Peacocks.  Unfortunately, none of them spread their feathers for us, but they were still fun to look at!

This was a great way to celebrate our Monthly Theme of Animal Adventures.
Thanks for the fun field trip everyone!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

B is for Ball

Today we were busy, busy learning all about the letter B!

"B is for Ball b,b,b"
In this picture the preschoolers are practicing their basketball bouncing skills!

This week for Show-and-Tell Elle brought a Baby, Liam brought a Black paper and Taylee shared a Bouncy Ball. 

 We also celebrated Charlotte's Birthday!  She shared with us her "All About Me" poster.  We learned that she likes cats, cucumbers and the colors pink and black! 

She also brought yummy granola bars and apple juice to share with the class on this special day.  Thanks!! 

While outside, preschoolers had the chance to play in our "Bubbly" water sensory table and hit a "Ball" with a "Bat."  They all did a great job! 

Our Theme this week was Caterpillars and Butterflies.  In the following pictures the children are acting out the life cycle of a butterfly.  Starting first with a little egg, then a wiggly caterpillar, followed by a chrysalis(or cocoon) and then a butterfly flapping its wings.

To better understand the life cycle of the butterfly we read the story, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar."  Preschoolers had to find and put in order the food that the caterpillar ate.  They were also able to familiarize themselves with the days of the week.

We made a poster board with the life cycle of a butterfly too!  Children learned that "one dot does a lot" when they glued their popcorn kernels and apple jacks on the paper.

Here they are carefully caring their finished product, cereal butterflies and all, down the stairs.

  I was surprised to see how well everyone remembered our routines and procedures from last week.  Here is just one example of them all lining up!  You may want to have your preschooler practice our song with you: "We always go behind, we always go behind, that's how we build a line, we always go behind!" (sung to the tune of Farmer in the Dell) 

We had a great time today.  I'm looking forward to next weeks Farm Animal Adventures as well as our community field trip to the Petting Zoo!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A is for Alligator

Our first day of preschool was full of fun and exciting things.  

We learned all about the Letter A, the color GREEN, and Triangles!

"A" is for Alligator "a,a,a."  
In this picture they're all showing big alligator mouths!

Here's Charlotte and Liam working on our Magnetic Board.  While at this center students were able to sort letters, numbers and triangles.

For Show-and-Tell Brennan brought an Airplane, Charlotte: an Alligator, Connor: an Automobile, and Abby: Aurora, her favorite doll.

We practiced writing the letter Aa.
Please use the dry-erase practice pages in your folders to help your child develop their writing skills.

Our Theme this week was "At the Pond."  We made frogs that had long, quick tongues to catch their food! 

Elle counted her fish as she ate them up! 

Did you know that Frogs can jump 10x their length?  Here's Abby and Charlotte practicing their froggy jumps across the room

While outside the kids had lots of fun at our POND sensory table that was full of water, ducks, fish, and frogs.

The preschoolers also had fun playing outside and enjoying this beautiful day!

I had a great time this week and I hope your child did too!  I'm excited for our future adventures together!