Today we were busy, busy learning all about the letter B!
"B is for Ball b,b,b"
This week for Show-and-Tell Elle brought a Baby, Liam brought a Black paper and Taylee shared a Bouncy Ball.
We also celebrated Charlotte's Birthday! She shared with us her "All About Me" poster. We learned that she likes cats, cucumbers and the colors pink and black!
She also brought yummy granola bars and apple juice to share with the class on this special day. Thanks!!
While outside, preschoolers had the chance to play in our "Bubbly" water sensory table and hit a "Ball" with a "Bat." They all did a great job!
Our Theme this week was Caterpillars and Butterflies. In the following pictures the children are acting out the life cycle of a butterfly. Starting first with a little egg, then a wiggly caterpillar, followed by a chrysalis(or cocoon) and then a butterfly flapping its wings.
To better understand the life cycle of the butterfly we read the story, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar." Preschoolers had to find and put in order the food that the caterpillar ate. They were also able to familiarize themselves with the days of the week.
We made a poster board with the life cycle of a butterfly too! Children learned that "one dot does a lot" when they glued their popcorn kernels and apple jacks on the paper.
Here they are carefully caring their finished product, cereal butterflies and all, down the stairs.
I was surprised to see how well everyone remembered our routines and procedures from last week. Here is just one example of them all lining up! You may want to have your preschooler practice our song with you: "We always go behind, we always go behind, that's how we build a line, we always go behind!" (sung to the tune of Farmer in the Dell)
We had a great time today. I'm looking forward to next weeks Farm Animal Adventures as well as our community field trip to the Petting Zoo!
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