Wednesday, December 18, 2013

G is for Giggle

Today our letter focus was the letter G.  We read a funny story about "Little G" and all of the silly things that she collected in her sound box ... including goats, grapes, grass, a gorilla, glasses, goggles, a goose, guitar, and a golden egg.
The preschoolers liked to "giggle" at the dancing gorilla and goat!

For Show-&-Tell of the letter G... Abby brought Goofy and Elle brought some glasses.

 For Show-&-Tell about Christmas ... Connor brought a picture of Jesus and Brennan brought a Christmas book.

 We were able to sing lots of fun Christmas songs today.  Here we are with our Jingle Bells.
We pretended to be snowmen and then we all melted away in the snow.

 We also sang Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star ... not necessarily Christmassy, but the preschoolers love it!

We practiced our fine motor skills by cutting out red noses that we could put on Rudolph. 
Cutting with scissors is something that each of the children could practice at home!

 Then we got to play "Pin the Nose on Rudolph."

 For snack time, each of the children were able to frost their own sugar cookies.  Some chose stars and christmas trees, while others chose reindeer, snowmen, stockings and bells. 
This was a yummy treat!

 We also played a little math game (Shut the Box) for our gift exchange.  Preschoolers had to roll the dice, flip the tab over of the number they rolled and then pick the corresponding present that went with that number.  

 Everyone loved opening up their gifts!  Thanks for sending such for things!

Preschoolers also had fun decorating their very own personalized Elf!

We had fun celebrating our Christmas theme today. 
I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas break and great New Year!
I'll be sending out a January newsletter via email soon:).

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

F is for Flying

F is for Flying! 
Today we didn't have Show-&-Tell, so we searched for some "Ff" words in our book.  Here are some words that we found.

 The preschoolers are practicing their "f" sound while pretending to be airplanes and birds flying around the room.
We were able to practice writing our letter "F" as well as find all of the "F's" in our Fred the Fish story.
Today we celebrated Liam's half-birthday!  Here he is teaching us all about the things he likes.  His favorite animal is a monkey, favorite food is Mac and Cheese and favorite color is Orange (which is the color we focused on today!).

 "F" is also for Fairy Tales ... which was our theme today. 
(We also included a few nursery rhymes too!)
  The first story we talked about and read was the 3 little pigs ... from the perspective of the pigs and the wolf! 

Each preschooler then had a chance to build their own home out of sticks. This was a fun activity for them as they practiced their fine motor skills.

Then came our EXPERIMENT (new vocab. word for a lot of the preschoolers)!  We were going to test our homes against the powerful blow of the BIG BAD WOLF!
Here's a picture of Connor holding our Wolf:)!
The straw blew away rather quickly!
Some of the Stick homes that the preschoolers built withstood the aweful blow from the big bad wolf, however, some did not and they also got blown away!

 Lastly, we all worked together to build our house out of bricks ... and it did NOT blow over!  
While doing this activity we were also able to reinforce the order of events in the story and practice our sequencing math skill of the week.

We learned about Goldilocks and the Three Little Bears. 
The preschoolers were able to make small(baby), Medium(Mommy) and BIG(Daddy) bears with the playdough.  Sorting sizes is also an important skill to learn as a preschooler.

 To end our Fairy Tale/Nursery Rhyme adventure today we talked about Kings and Queens, Knights in Shining Armour and Princesses!  They all have quite the imagination!  Each child built a tall tower or castle and received their own special crown.

Thanks for a fun day! 
I'm looking forward to next week as we celebrate Christmas and read lots of great Christmas books together!  Please don't forget your $1 (neutral for boy or girl) white elephant gift.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

E is for Elephant

 E is for Elephant!
(You should have your child show you how we turned our arm into an elephant trunk and practiced saying our "e,e,e" sound.)
For Show-&-Tell Conner and Abby both brought elephants and Brennan brought a book of trucks ... he was able to find a Fire EEEngine for us to look at and practice our E sound with.
 Our new theme this month is "BOOKS are the BEST!"
We started this week off with Dr. Seuss and what a GREAT time we had.  To say that I love Dr. Seuss books is probably an understatement ... I think they're fantastic and teach so many great lessons.
As part of our Math time (and snack time:)) we read, "One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish."  Preschoolers had fun counting our fish and putting them into their proper bowls.  During snack time they all had their own "fish bowls" which they were able to count how many fish they had as well as sort the colors of red, green and yellow (gold).

 Another math activity that we did was read the book, "Ten Apples Up On Top." This was such a fun story for the kids ... they LOVED it ... and they loved our fun little activity even more of gluing apples on top of their own heads and counting them!

During our Circle Time we read the book, "Are You My Mother?"  The preschoolers had such a fun time coming up with ideas of who could be our little ducks mother.  We sang 3 little ducks and made sure the mother duck said, "quack, quack, quack!" 

 You can't have a Dr. Seuss theme without the Cat in the Hat!
Coloring our Hats ...
We tried making a pattern of red,white, red, white with each rectangle in the hat.

 Fun Times Together!
Here's Abby, Charlotte and Taylee showing off their very own Cat in the Hat Masks!

What an adventure we had today! 
I'm looking forward to an enchanting week next Wednesday as we'll be having fun with Fairy Tales!