On Wednesday we learned all about the letter "V" and the Vibrating Vacuum that goes Vroooom, Vrooooom!
For Show-&-Tell Brennan and Connor brought Vans, Abby brought her Vitamins and Charlotte shared with us one of her favorite books and stuffed animals ... The Velveteen Rabbit,
I loved this fun pictures of the kids jumping up as they all shouted, "Hooray" during one of our circle time songs.
We also learned a lot about different kinds of weather ... what causes the weather we, how it determines the kind of clothes we wear and the food that we can grow in our gardens.
The preschoolers each made their own sun out of bendaroos.
We listened as each child had a turn to make rain with our rain-stick.
We used our fine motor skills as we made rain drops drip into the cupcake pan:).
Here's a picture of the preschoolers pulling apart their cotton balls and gluing them on their papers to make a cloud.
Brennan showing off our final projects for the day!
We'll see everyone this coming Wednesday as we learn about the letter "W" and get our hands dirty as we plant some seeds in our mini pots.