Monday, April 28, 2014

V is for Vacuum

On Wednesday we learned all about the letter "V" and the Vibrating Vacuum that goes Vroooom, Vrooooom!  
For Show-&-Tell Brennan and Connor brought Vans, Abby brought her Vitamins and Charlotte shared with us one of her favorite books and stuffed animals ... The Velveteen Rabbit,

I loved this fun pictures of the kids jumping up as they all shouted, "Hooray" during one of our circle time songs.

We also learned a lot about different kinds of weather ... what causes the weather we, how it determines the kind of clothes we wear and the food that we can grow in our gardens.   
The preschoolers each made their own sun out of bendaroos.

We listened as each child had a turn to make rain with our rain-stick.

We used our fine motor skills as we made rain drops drip into the cupcake pan:).

 Here's a picture of the preschoolers pulling apart their cotton balls and gluing them on their papers to make a cloud.

 Brennan showing off our final projects for the day!

We'll see everyone this coming Wednesday as we learn about the letter "W" and get our hands dirty as we plant some seeds in our mini pots.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

U is for Up

Today we learned about the letter "Uu," reviewed money, colors and shapes, and had some fun Easter activities!
For Show-&-Tell Elle and Anniston popped open their Umbrellas (hopefully no bad luck is coming their way!), Taylee brought a Unicorn and Liam showed us a picture of his Uncle. 

 Elle is going to be 4 this month!  We hope you have a Happy Happy Birthday!  We learned that her favorite animal is a cat and her favorite color is pink.  She also loves fruit and string cheese, which she brought to share with us all today for our snack ... Thanks Elle! 

 The preschoolers had fun sorting Pennies, Nickels and Dimes as well as some colorful Jelly Beans!

 While outside we practice writing the alphabet with sidewalk chalk ... this was a fun way for them to practice their writing and review the letters.

 We made our own Easter Eggs by using play dough and plastic egg molds.

 We also made some Bunny masks (sorry we didn't have time to finish them all ... I sent home the extras - so, if you'd like you can put cotton balls on and tie the string through).

What's an Easter Activity without an Egg hunt???  
To finish the day off, all of the preschoolers searched both inside and outside of the house to fill up their goody bags:)

Thanks for a great day!  
Don't forget Next week is Spring Break and there will be NO preschool on Wednesday.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

T is for Twist

We had fun reading our "T" book and following "Little t" as he collected lots of toys and other fun things that begin with the letter T.  
For Show-&-Tell Brennan and Connor both brought turtles, Abby showed us her Tinkerbell blanket and Charlotte had a Cinderella Tattoo on her arm.

 The preschoolers practiced writing the Uppercase and Lowercase letter T.  They also did a letter hunt to find all of the T's in our short story of Tom the Turtle.

 For our math focus we learned about money ... specifically pennies, nickels and dimes.  We learned the value of each, sorted them and then made play dough prints of each coin.  The preschooler went home with some pretend coins and a homework assignment to teach someone about the money they got at school!  

 Our Theme this week was Spring.  I love this time of year!  We went on a little walking trip around the backyard and found signs of Spring.  While we were out, it actually started to rain/sprinkle on us (it made for a perfect teaching opportunity for the season!).  We learned the little saying, "April showers bring May flowers!"

Then we went inside and created our own murals of Springtime!

 Taylee brought some cupcakes to share with us and the kids LOVED them!  (I think that's obvious from the pictures.)  Thanks for sharing!