Thursday, April 3, 2014

T is for Twist

We had fun reading our "T" book and following "Little t" as he collected lots of toys and other fun things that begin with the letter T.  
For Show-&-Tell Brennan and Connor both brought turtles, Abby showed us her Tinkerbell blanket and Charlotte had a Cinderella Tattoo on her arm.

 The preschoolers practiced writing the Uppercase and Lowercase letter T.  They also did a letter hunt to find all of the T's in our short story of Tom the Turtle.

 For our math focus we learned about money ... specifically pennies, nickels and dimes.  We learned the value of each, sorted them and then made play dough prints of each coin.  The preschooler went home with some pretend coins and a homework assignment to teach someone about the money they got at school!  

 Our Theme this week was Spring.  I love this time of year!  We went on a little walking trip around the backyard and found signs of Spring.  While we were out, it actually started to rain/sprinkle on us (it made for a perfect teaching opportunity for the season!).  We learned the little saying, "April showers bring May flowers!"

Then we went inside and created our own murals of Springtime!

 Taylee brought some cupcakes to share with us and the kids LOVED them!  (I think that's obvious from the pictures.)  Thanks for sharing!

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