We had such a fun time in preschool today learning all about the letter "Mm!" Lots of words start with M that we read about like monkey, mouse (and mice), moose, moon, marshmellows and milk. We also loved having our Valentine's Day Celebration and learning about the color pink and hearts ... lots and lots of hearts!
For Show-&-Tell Taylee brought Minnie and Elle brought Mickey ... what a cute Mouse couple! Liam also shared with us his Monkey book.
We had fun cuting out hearts in the playdough. Elle put faces on her hearts and said that it was her Mom and Dad!
We also had lots of fun jumping up and down, catching and playing with balloons. The preschoolers practiced what it means to play " 3-2-1- FREEZE!"
Once we got all of the excitement out of playing with balloons we had our Math Focus lesson on More, Less and Equal to. All of the preschoolers sorted the balloons into colors and then we counted each set. We learned that white balloons had MORE than the other 2 colors (11), and the Pink balloons had that least (6). We had to take away one of the purple balloons to make it Equal To the pink set.
We also sorted and did the same type of activity with Conversation Hearts ... then the preschoolers were able to gooble them down!
All of the preschoolers were able to make their own Valentine's treat bag with their names and some heart stickers. Then they each passed out their cards/treats! Thanks for the gifts and goodies!
Each preschooler made a special Valentine to give to those they love the most ... their Families!
They learned how to say "I Love You" with their hands and then left their own "I love you"
hand-print on the back of each picture.
I hope everyone has a special Valentine's Day!
Thanks for sharing your precious littles with me! I LOVE our time together on Wednesdays.
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